ACB VISAbilities
Visually Impaired Seniors’ Abilities. Each week we discuss topics of interest to people with either long time or recent sight loss or blindness.

20230331 - VISAbilities - 2023 Resolutions and Voting.

March 31, 2023

2023 Resolutions and Voting

Patrick Sheehan, Ray Campbell, and Koni Simms will join Terry tonight to share and explain this year’s Resolutions process and how voting will take place during the 2023 ACB Conference and Convention.  This is especially time sensitive since the Resolutions Committee will be starting its work very soon. There will be ample time for your questions.  ACB’s goals and pathways  in advocacy are determined by our Resolutions.  Having a good grasp of the issues, both pro and con, helps make you a more responsible voter.  The officers, board, and staff are guided by these documents.  So join us for overviews of these adjusted proceedings.

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