Visually Impaired Seniors’ Abilities. Each week we discuss topics of interest to people with either long time or recent sight loss or blindness.

20241004 - VISAbilities - Guide Dog Users Rally for their rights.

October 4, 2024

Guide Dog Users Rally for their rights – When we ALL work Together

Have you, or someone you know been denied a ride by Uber or Lyft? Have you acted as a decoy to get a friend a ride sharing? Has Uber or Lyft or even the police not known the laws in this area? I am sure you have answered yes to at least one question above. This is a situation that effects millions of blind and partially sighted people on a daily basis. The time has come for us all to rise up together. I am pleased to welcome GDUI’s Advocacy chair, Melanie Brunson, and at least one of their members (Olivia Norman) who will be attending the October 15th rally at the Uber and Lyft offices in San Fransisco. ACB’s Board of Directors is also sending Kim Charlson to support this event. Join me this evening to discuss this issue and learn even more about the history and actions that have been taken in the past and when we hope will come from this rally.

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20240927 - VISAbilities - ACB Director of Advocacy & Government Affairs Claire Stanley.

September 27, 2024

ACB Director of Advocacy & Government Affairs Claire Stanley and others will be with us to update us on current goings on. We will also discuss what we can all do to advocate from home. Join us fora great learning experience.

Sponsored by VISAbilities.

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Books, Books, and more books.

September 20, 2024

It has been a perfect summer for reading plenty of beach books and more. Which ones did you enjoy most? What books are you anxious to see released this fall? How do you listen: NLS equipment? smart phone? commercial devices? Join the conversation.

Sponsored by VISAbilities.

email list: [email protected]

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20240913 - VISAbilities - WeWalk.

September 13, 2024

Join us for a presentation of the WeWalk Smart Cane 2. It was one of the most popular exhibits and demos at this year’s ACB Convention Exhibit Hall. Many of your questions will be answered and discussed with some of us who saw it in Jacksonville. This new device may be an enhancement to your O&M skills and independence. This may just be a good lucky Friday the 13th for you!

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20240823 - VISAbilities - Easy Chair Advocacy.

August 23, 2024

Pam Shaw and others will be talking about advocacy steps we can take from home and in our affiliates. We also look forward to hearing your self advocacy tips that have and have not worked for you.

Sponsored by VISAbilities.

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20240816 - VISAbilities - Rayban smart glasses - With Michael Doise.

August 16, 2024

Featuring the new Ray-Ban smart glasses. Michael Doise will be my guest and demonstrate many ways in which to get specific information from the glasses. If you are a user, come give us some additional ideas as well. Everyone is welcome.

Sponsored by VISAbilities.

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20240809 - VISAbilities - Rita who is a cancer survivor will talk to us about the care she received.

August 10, 2024

This week on VISAbilities, Rita will speak to us about being a cancer survivor and about the care she received during that time period.

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20240830 - VISAbilities - Labor Day Party.

August 2, 2024

Join the fun and chat tonight for VISAbilities Annual End of Summer Party. This event is always a good time for all. Tell us what you’ve been doing – where you went, what beach books you read, and have some good picnic food and beverages. We’ll start the new season with friends and laughter. All are welcome!

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20240719 - VISAbilities - ACB Executive Director, Scott Thornhill.

July 19, 2024

VISAbilities brings you once again Executive Director Scott Thornhill to talk about the recent ACB Convention.

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