Visually Impaired Seniors’ Abilities. Each week we discuss topics of interest to people with either long time or recent sight loss or blindness.

20241004 - VISAbilities - Guide Dog Users Rally for their rights.

October 4, 2024

Guide Dog Users Rally for their rights – When we ALL work Together

Have you, or someone you know been denied a ride by Uber or Lyft? Have you acted as a decoy to get a friend a ride sharing? Has Uber or Lyft or even the police not known the laws in this area? I am sure you have answered yes to at least one question above. This is a situation that effects millions of blind and partially sighted people on a daily basis. The time has come for us all to rise up together. I am pleased to welcome GDUI’s Advocacy chair, Melanie Brunson, and at least one of their members (Olivia Norman) who will be attending the October 15th rally at the Uber and Lyft offices in San Fransisco. ACB’s Board of Directors is also sending Kim Charlson to support this event. Join me this evening to discuss this issue and learn even more about the history and actions that have been taken in the past and when we hope will come from this rally.

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