ACB VISAbilities
Visually Impaired Seniors’ Abilities. Each week we discuss topics of interest to people with either long time or recent sight loss or blindness.

20230922 - VISAbilities - Tom Sullivan.

September 22, 2023

VISAbilities – Stage & Screen Visually Impaired Seniors Series

I am excited to announce a very special series we will start off with a bang tonight.  These guests have made their careers in the entertainment industry. Whether in music, films,, on stage, authoring books, or other entertainment related fields.  There is no better way to begin this series than with just such a person who has done them all – Tom Sullivan.  From his early days at the Perkins School for the Blind throough his recent 15th book, Tom has done it all.  How did this happen? What was involved in always reaching for that next career goal? These are but a few of the questions we will tackle when Tom joins me as we get up close and personal with him tonight! All are welcome.

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